Even the shark gun now causes mass carnage and the cops aren’t safe from the land shark even if they stay in their cars with the doors locked and the windows rolled up. The molotovs are stronger, giving everyone that delicious smoky barbecue smell. You can now take out cars and choppers in an instant with just your 45s. The level 4 handguns are now more powerful and fully automatic.
#Top 5 saints row mods mod
This mod takes the game of Saints Row, and…um makes it more excessive.
#Top 5 saints row mods mods
Number 2 on our countdown of Saints Row the Third mods is the Excessive Saints Row mod. Yes this mod allows you to get up close and personal when your mowing down the residents of Steelport, with a nice first-person windshield view, and yes, it even works on motorcycles! The download link is in the description below the video. At number 3, we have the Vehicle first person camera mod. Like being able to carry around a big-*** chaingun in your weapons arsenal for example. This mod allows you to equip yourself with some of the games more destructive temporary weapons. At number 4 on our countdown is The Permanent Temporary Weapons mod. You can find the download link in the video description below.
#Top 5 saints row mods full
Now, we’re going all PG-13 with this video, so we’re only showing you some butt and side boobage, but trust me- the real thing has full frontal nudity. But if your girl doesn’t mind you playing a game where you can beat strippers to death with a giant purple ***, she’s probably not gonna mind this. “Yeah honey, just settling in for some *** and ***, love ya!”. So now all of you guys out there who had to justify your Saints Row playing to your wife, girlfriend, or overbearing mother, have even more to defend… Plus it probably doesn’t help that the mod is titled “*** and ***”. This mod which is ever-so-sweetly titled “*** and ***” removes all pixilation from the nude bodies of your in game female character. DUUURR Anyway, moving along to the countdown- number 5 on our list is something that every fevered teenage boy has dreamed of since he loaded up his first game of tomb raider –NUDITY! That’s right, full-on *** bouncing in the breeze, *** flapping nudity in Saints Row. …Then again if you don’t know what a mod is, how would you have found this video. Run tell that! Anyway, in case you don’t already know mods are just what they sound like – modifications to a game that make it more betterer. I’m Jay Davis and I’m gonna be COUNTIN’ EM DOWN! Oh yeah, we have audio processing, that’s right. This is the Nuke Norway top five game mods for Saints Row the Third.